Friday, 26 August 2011

Jack Layton - "Grace under Pressure"

Hemmingway called courage "Grace under Pressure" and he was certainly right with Jack Layton. He outperformed all expectations of the challenge that would face him. 

He entered civil politics in the 1980's as City Councillor. At the Village on the Grange he meets Olivia Chow. He was brought in as the Auctioneer for the day and she was the translator for the Cantonese language for the day. Three weeks later they went out on their first date!

In 2002-03 he became the NDP candidate and was elected to lead the House of Commons 2004. In 2009 he battled prostate cancer admitting to the world in Feburary 2010. He underwent treatment for it and also a fracture hip with made him carry a cane. In May 2, 2011 a historic victory was his. He made it to Stornoway House as the Leader for the Opposition.

On July 25/11 Jack told us that he had a difference kind of cancer. He looked sicker than I'd seen him.  Jack Layton died at 4:45 am August 22, 2011

From his most recent message:

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world.
All my very best,
Jack Layton"

Michealla Jean, former Governor General of Canada. "Our country is losing a man of courage and great integrity."

Danny Williams, the former Newfoundland premier. "Jack was truly a man of the people; down to earth and humble, but with a great charisma that was made even greater by his deference to those his served."